Shivraj Dayal

My project aims to raise awareness of sustainable production and consumption in the beer industry. Food waste in the beer industry is an issue that I tackled in my project to promote sustainability. Socially inclusive spaces include a restaurant to elevate the dining experience by serving food made from the byproducts of beer production in the microbrewery accomodated in the project. Spaces catered also feature an outdoor dining space for the users. Moreover, community centre spaces have been aded to inform local people about the situation of sustainable production and consumptiuon. Project methodology includes having two buildings with a bridge linking the two blocks. Public spaces also function to create harmony between the industrial surroundings for better wellbeing for users working in the industrial area. Environmentally, the microbrewery facade consists of mechanical louvers which move accordingly with different light intesity to provide optimal lighting in the building.



BSc (Hons), Architecture

Develop creative solutions from artistic concepts through to detailed design with a specialist knowledge of materials and structure and the fine craft of architecture. Investigate the design, refurbishment and re-use of existing and new build structures using cutting edge tools and 3D computational methods. With an emphasis on building technology develop your portfolio with complex project briefs in a professional environment.