Sarah Kanuga

Living in a world where we waste 1/3 of all the food produced, Together with food is designed to teach sustainable ways of cooking and eating. However different to other cookery schools Together with food is a community cookery school designed to be a place to make friends whilst learning. The key drive for this design was to encourage interaction between the users. This has been done through the floor plan, kitchen layouts, various socializing spaces and an exciting ceiling. The ceiling draws the users’ attention, resulting in looking up for a longer period of time instead of looking at their phones, creating a chance to meet and interact with more people.

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Together with Food


BSc (Hons), Architecture

Develop creative solutions from artistic concepts through to detailed design with a specialist knowledge of materials and structure and the fine craft of architecture. Investigate the design, refurbishment and re-use of existing and new build structures using cutting edge tools and 3D computational methods. With an emphasis on building technology develop your portfolio with complex project briefs in a professional environment.