Isuri Ratnayake

The project investigates the potential of agriculture technology to mitigate the green house gas emission within the food production sector. Hence, experimenting and merging agriculture research and future agro-technology to create zero waste production systems.

The algae facade system produce bio energy and the sculptural water recycling tank provides the daily needs for the building including for the water nutrient systems through the collection of rain water and grey water through its curvilinear roof.

The project celebrates Bristol city’s boat culture and the rich heritage that prevailed from the past through a weekend floating market so that it creates a sense of ownership to the ocals while giving a futuristic ambition through the projects’ architecture.

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Draping Landscapes: An unorthodox growth


BSc (Hons), Architecture

Develop creative solutions from artistic concepts through to detailed design with a specialist knowledge of materials and structure and the fine craft of architecture. Investigate the design, refurbishment and re-use of existing and new build structures using cutting edge tools and 3D computational methods. With an emphasis on building technology develop your portfolio with complex project briefs in a professional environment.