Tiegan Salter

As we are in the recovery phase from the pandemic, so too are we in the recovery phase of re-establishing our intergenerational relationships to ensure that everyone stays connected and has meaningful experiences throughout all periods of life.

My design aims to restore intergenerational relationships and weave together the culturally diverse ward of Lawrence Hill, through forms of intergenerational learning. This will be done through the creation of an integrated preschool and community centre. In this setting, intergenerational relations will create the opportunity for the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and values between generations and will lead to an improved quality of life for elderly and young persons. Intergenerational relationships must be understood as a form of lifelong learning and as a means of strengthening an individual’s long-term connection to their community.

The proposed palette of external materials is informed by the prevailing textural and tonal character of the site’s immediate context. Brick walls will be inlaid with a variety of ceramic blocks, creating a highly textured, highly interactive patterned exterior appearance. The scheme will collaborate with local artists to create highly decorative and symbolic bricks that take cues from Lawrence Hill’s diverse demographics. These bricks will feature the national animals from countries across the globe carved into the ceramic tiles, thereby creating points of interest, conversation, identity and delight for all ages.

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The Intergenerational Centre


BA (Hons), AP

You will bring architecture and planning together on this unique course accredited by ARB, RIBA and RTPI. Design at all scales from master-planning to building and technical detail. Work on creative projects and learn state-of-the-art methods of communicating your ideas visually. The course includes study visits, exploration of history, place and ideas of architecture to help make you an employable professional architect and planner.