Patryk Drozdz

Transport inequality is a major divide in urban communities. Transport barriers such as the lack of access to a car or quality public transport have an impact on the work, education, and daily life opportunities of those affected. This scheme’s objective is to provide travel, work, and education opportunities for its neighbouring community and equal transport opportunities for all. To achieve that, this project proposes the creation of the City Link network across Bristol and its first link, City Link: Trinity.

The City Link network will link all key areas of Bristol with quality facilities and infrastructure. City Link: Trinity’s translating to a trinity of hubs which house a bus station, bike workshop and community education, dining, and business facilities, delivered in an eco-friendly, efficient, and elegant CLT and Timber clad package.

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City Link: Trinity


BA (Hons), AP

You will bring architecture and planning together on this unique course accredited by ARB, RIBA and RTPI. Design at all scales from master-planning to building and technical detail. Work on creative projects and learn state-of-the-art methods of communicating your ideas visually. The course includes study visits, exploration of history, place and ideas of architecture to help make you an employable professional architect and planner.