Josiah Searle

ONEGROUP’s vision is the provision of locally-led community facilities which bridge the deprivation gap and provide a safe space to understand and explore both personal development and other cultures. The Runnymede report identified Bristol as an urban environment where ethnic minority residents experience greater disadvantage than in England and Wales as a whole. ONEGROUP will identify areas of deprivation and under investment and, working closely with existing locally-based successful community groups and organisations, will provide adaptable community facilities and spaces needed to regenerate neighbourhoods, providing the necessary infrastructure and investment to enable marginalised communities to adapt and evolve generationally.ONEBRISTOL will break down barriers and create a place for dialogue and expression focusing on three core elements of Spirituality, Education and Culture. ONEBRISTOL will provide a neutral ground, enabling people to come together, creating a dialogue and providing relatable and appropriate role models to generate an alliance against this prejudice.

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BA (Hons), AP

You will bring architecture and planning together on this unique course accredited by ARB, RIBA and RTPI. Design at all scales from master-planning to building and technical detail. Work on creative projects and learn state-of-the-art methods of communicating your ideas visually. The course includes study visits, exploration of history, place and ideas of architecture to help make you an employable professional architect and planner.