Heather Knights

The Horticulture Centre sits in the neighbourhood of Lawrence Hill which faces plethora of challenges that building hopes to address, whilst also serving as the intersection for the community and natural environment to connect. It is part of a wider masterplan scheme that increases integration of nature into the built environment. 

The buildings main space, The Glasshouse, is a tropical plant exhibition space, open to the public to attract the local community to the building, and introduce to the art of plant cultivation. The Educational Centre provides Horticulture apprenticeship opportunities and an infant Nursery. The Market Hall helps to encourage local business enterprise while also connecting to the site’s rich history. All three spaces are tied together through a central connected walkway.

The theory of biophilic design was implemented to create a healthy built environment for occupants, through the use of three key design principles: Nature in the Space; Natural Analogues; and Nature of the


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The Lawrence Hill Horticulture Centre


BA (Hons), AP

You will bring architecture and planning together on this unique course accredited by ARB, RIBA and RTPI. Design at all scales from master-planning to building and technical detail. Work on creative projects and learn state-of-the-art methods of communicating your ideas visually. The course includes study visits, exploration of history, place and ideas of architecture to help make you an employable professional architect and planner.